City Manager Contract Sample

City manager contracts are agreements between a city and a city manager. These contracts define the terms and conditions of employment, including roles, responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and duration. As a professional, I have curated a sample city manager contract that outlines the essential components of such an agreement.

1. Introduction

The introduction of the contract should clearly state the parties involved, the effective date of the contract, and the duration. It should also include the purpose of the agreement and any relevant background information.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

The contract should outline the city manager`s roles and responsibilities, including general duties, specific tasks, and expected outcomes. This section should also clearly state the reporting structure, including who the city manager reports to and who reports to the city manager.

3. Compensation and Benefits

The compensation and benefits section should outline the city manager`s salary, bonuses, retirement plans, insurance coverage, and other benefits. It should also include any performance-based incentives and a clear description of how they are earned.

4. Termination

This section should include the grounds for termination, the process for termination, and any severance package. It should also clearly state any conditions that would allow the city manager to terminate the agreement.

5. Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest

The contract should include language regarding confidentiality and conflict of interest. It should outline the city manager`s obligation to keep sensitive city information confidential and to avoid any conflicts of interest.

6. Amendments and Governing Law

The contract should include provisions for amendments, including how they are made and who is authorized to make them. It should also outline the governing law, which should be the state or federal law that applies to the city in question.

As a professional, it`s important to note that this is just a sample contract and that each city manager contract may vary based on state laws and individual city needs. Nonetheless, a well-written city manager contract can provide clarity and accountability for all parties involved.



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